Seit gestern ist die Build 14342 verfügbar und steht Mitgliedern des fast Ring zur Verfügung.
Eine freudige Nachricht vorweg, laut der Ankündigung seitens Gabe Aul sind Dinge wie fehlende Buchstaben in der Adresszeile vom Edge Browser Geschichte, ebenso der Fehler das Sprachpakete nicht installierbar sind, oder das DRM-pflichtige Inhalte von verschiedenen Diensten wie Groove nicht verarbeitbar sind.
Der komplette Changelog in Englisch:
Here’s what’s new in Build 14342
Swipe navigation in Microsoft Edge: Since the release of Windows 10 Mobile, our top feedback request for Microsoft Edge has been asking for the return of the swipe gesture to navigate back and forward. With this build, you can now swipe from anywhere on the page to get back to your previous page.
Apps for websites: As we discussed at Build 2016, you will soon be able to redirect certain websites to open with an app instead. This is a new capability so apps that support this are still in progress. In preparation for their availability we have added a new page at Settings > System > Apps for websites where you will be able to manage them. Stay tuned for more on this.
Feedback Hub improvements: We’ve heard from you that it can sometimes be hard to find which category your feedback belongs in. Now when you create new feedback, the Feedback Hub will suggest categories and subcategories based on the title and description you entered. If you see a suggestion that looks right, just click it to fill in the menus and get your feedback to the right engineers quickly.
Here’s what’s fixed for Mobile
- We fixed an issue causing installation of mobile builds to fail with Error 80070002.
- Language and Speech Packs should download without any errors.
- We have fixed the issue causing DRM-protected content from services like Groove Music, Microsoft Movies & TV, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video or Hulu to fail on playback with 0x8004C029 or 0x8004C503 errors.
- We fixed the issue where some users with some non-English keyboards were not able to enter letters such as w, y, and a when typing into the address bar of the Edge browser.
- We fixed the issue causing your phone to lock up and reboot when it receives a notification from an app that has “Keep notifications private on the lock screen” turned on under Settings > System > Notifications & actions.
- We increased font size and improved spacing of the data migration page after receiving an update.
- Polished icons used to identify pages in the Settings app – in particular, updated battery icon to be more consistent with the weight of the other icons.
- Improved performance when retrieving updated GPS coordinates while driving.
- Goodbye message on shutdown will now remain visible until the last moment, to make it easier to determine when your device is off.
- Polished the look of media controls on the Lock screen. When you press one of the media control buttons, it appears “pressed”.
- We fixed an issue where some apps, including Tweetium, would crash on launch.
- We fixed an issue where Action Center’s context menus would appear in the wrong orientation if the app underneath was in landscape mode.
- We fixed an issue where Lumia 435, 532, 535 and 540 would fail to record video, as well as an issue where advanced camera settings were not preserved when taking a photo with the Lumia 435, resulting in the photo being taken with default settings instead.
- Fixed an issue where the same device might be listed multiple times under Connect.
- Fixed an issue where quickly pressing the power button twice when Windows Hello is enabled could result in the display appearing stuck off.
- We fixed the issue where Groove Music might show an error saying “Can’t play – Another app is controlling your sound right now”.
- When delayed lock is setup, Windows Hello will now say “Swipe up to dismiss the lock screen”, rather than looking for your iris.
- We fixed an issue where Glance wouldn’t be displayed when hovering hand over proximity sensor.
- We fixed an issue where multiple UWPs might start crashing on launch after getting stuck on their splash screen.
Known issues for Mobile
- UPDATE: After your device reboots from installing this update, if it gets stuck as the Windows logo – let it sit and be patient. It might appear frozen but its still working in the background. While you wait, it is recommended you plug your phone in and let it charge as well. For more details – see this forum post.
- We are investigating data issues with some Dual-SIM devices where cellular data doesn’t work correctly with a second SIM. Several issues relating to cellular data with Dual-SIM devices have been reported by Insiders with the last two Mobile builds and we’re investigating these reports.
- Feedback Hub is not localized and the UI will be in English (U.S.) only, even with language packs installed.
- We have reduced the number of instances where boxes are seen when entering emoji. You may still see them in some text fields – we’re working on it!
- The Settings app may crash when you are re-arranging Quick Actions under Settings > System > Notification & actions. If it does, it could result in one of the Quick Action spots disappearing. If you see this happen, please refrain from changing your Quick Action settings on this build. If you have been impacted by this issue, only a hard reset will revert your Quick Action settings back to default.
Other items of note
Just like we noted for Build 14342 for PC, we have removed the Wi-Fi Sense feature that allows you to share Wi-Fi networks with your contacts and to be automatically connected to networks shared by your contacts. The engineering effort to keep this working great, combined with low demand for the feature made it not worthwhile to keep investing in it. Wi-Fi Sense, if enabled, will continue to get you connected to open Wi-Fi hotspots that it knows about through crowdsourcing.
As always – thank you for being Windows Insiders and make sure to send us feedback on any issues you run into with these builds in the Feedback Hub.
Hier der Diskussionsthred im Forum dazu:
Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 14342 für Windows Insiders im Fast ring
Quelle: Microsoft Blog